Thursday, October 31, 2019
Patient Presentation with COPD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Patient Presentation with COPD - Essay Example COPD is partially irreversible and its symptoms are associated with hyper-responsiveness of the airways. The aforementioned conditions are recognized as a major disability causing a progressive chronic airway obstruction or narrowing that frequently occur as one entity. In the United Kingdom (UK), the prevalence of COPD affects both men and women more commonly in their fourth decade of life. Differential diagnosis of COPD includes asthma, congestive heart failure, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, obliterative bronchiolitis, and diffuse panbronchiolitis. Nonpharmacological and pharmacological management are considered in treating the patient. Other treatments include rehabilitation, oxygen therapy, and ventilatory support. Patient Presentation with COPD A Brief Introduction: This paper discusses chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and its significance in the family and community settings, its socio-economic and cultural background, past medical history, differential diagnosis, and current guidelines relating to pharmacological and nonpharmacological patient management. The analysis of psychosocial impact of COPD to the patient and her family as well as strategies for patient education, and the context of multidisciplinary care team are also will be discussed in the paper. Short Background on COPD: ... Nursing Assessment: Patient, JC, is a 76 year old female patient with a ten year history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). JC, white female, now 76 years old was 66 year old when diagnosed with COPD in 2002. In the United Kingdom (UK), the prevalence of COPD affects both men and women more commonly in their fourth decade of life (NICE, 2010). It is associated with high rate of mortality and significant healthcare system cost (Raherison and Girodet, 2009). Epidemiological studies note a close association between chronic bronchitis prevalence and low socioeconomic status (Viegi, et al., 2001). COPD is classically thought to be a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, even though in COPD patients, only one of the previously mentioned conditions is present (MayoClinic, 2011; CDC, 2011; and British Medical Journal, 2012). Sharma (2012) defined chronic bronchitis as persistent productive cough for more than three months each year in a period of two consecutive year s. The mucous glands in lungs of individuals with chronic bronchitis are enlarged, the airways are inflamed, and the bronchial walls are thickened with subsequent changes and loss of supporting alveolar connection, which results to narrowing and deformity of the lumen of the airway and eventually causes limitation of airflow (Sharma, 2012). On the other hand, emphysema, one of the causative agents of COPD is defined as an abnormal and permanent alveolar enlargement of the terminal bronchioles that results to destruction of the airspace wall (Sharma, 2012). The patient has her own home; she is married with two children and one grandchild. Prior to her diagnosis, the patient worked in an office for most of her working life. She was a known cigarette
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Conventional insurance and mutual or co-operative insurance Essay
Conventional insurance and mutual or co-operative insurance - Essay Example This paved way for the development of Takaful form of insurance that is Shariah compliant. Mutual risk arrangement Takaful envisages transfer of risk on mutual basis under which arrangement are the participants and operators. It is almost similar to conventional mutual risk sharing such as Mutual Insurance and Indemnity Club (P and I Club). The difference between Takaful and conventional insurances lies in the manner in which risk is managed and Takaful fund is operated. There are differences in relationships between the operator and participants who represent the insurer and insured respectively in the conventional insurance. The management of risk refers to the way risk is assessed (underwriting) and handled. Unlike conventional insurance, uncertainty, speculation (gambling) and interest elements are prohibited in Islamic life and the Takaful insurance is free from these vices known as Gharar (uncertainty), Maisir (gambling) and Riba (interest or usury). (Iqbal, 2005). In order to be free of Gharar, a Takaful contract must be subject to full disclosure from both sides so that there is complete clarity. The full disclosure or clarity should be in respect of the subject matter and terms of contract. If there is any unknown element or unknown exposure, Takaful contract cannot be entered into. But since this ideal situation does not always exist, Takaful contract ensures that there is at least no exchange of Gharar among the parties to the contract (Iqbal, 2005). Prohibition of Maisir (gambling) that is an extreme form of Gharar does not allow risk transfer on speculative basis. Riba, another prohibited element, is avoided by treatment of contribution from the participants as part of risk sharing scheme and not as a premium in conventional insurance. In Takaful, the contribution is envisaged as Mushahamah in the form of donation with a condition of Tabarru (compensation). Further, under Takaful, the funds so collected should be managed and invested following Shar iah principles (Iqbal, 2005). Islam does not prohibit risks as they are a reality. It only prohibits trading on risks. Islam does allow mutual help in any situation including when some misfortune strikes. Both the forms of insurance deal with risks but in a different manner from each other. Under conventional insurance, risks from various insured persons are transferred to the insurer by insured against exchange of premium collected by the insurer. On the other hand, under Takaful risks are shared by the participants (insured) by contribution to fund under a mutual guarantee scheme to be managed by Takaful operator Wakeel (agent). Thus, there is no risk transfer to the operator in Takaful insurance. The conventional insurance actually exchanges uncertainty for certainty. The uncertainty relates to whether or not loss will occur and if at all it occurs, when it will it occur and what will be severity of loss like and how many such losses are likely to occur within a given period. The conventional insurance envisages payment of fixed premium by the insured to insurance company who in turn will pay the loss if it ever occurs within ambit of policy terms. This exchange of uncertain loss is Gharar in Islam and hence not allowed. Therefore, the Takaful avoids risk transfer by the participants (insured) to the operator. This facilitates sharing of risks by among the participants under what can be called a mutual
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Leadership Effects Development On Employee Performances In Pakistan Management Essay
Leadership Effects Development On Employee Performances In Pakistan Management Essay Qaiser Abbas, et al. (2009), in this study, explains that Leadership development has a great impact on employee performance. Factors that influence employee performance are coaching, training and development, empowerment, participation and delegation. These leadership factors influence 50% employee performance, other factors like commitment, motivation, trust in organization, compensation and rewards also influences employee performance. Employee performance is an important building block of an organization. Every employee contributes towards the success of the organization. Organization cannot progress by one or two individuals effort. Success depends on teamwork. Managers give input to use their abilities and innovative ideas. There are many expectations from managers; they have to work really hard to satisfy their boss. Managers are experienced enough to deal with various issues, sometimes they run to their boss for guidance. They can work effectively and efficiently when there is an effective leadership program for their assistance and to build leadership qualities in them. Leadership development is becoming an increasingly critical and strategic imperative for organizations in the current business environment (Sheri-Lynne, Parbudyal 2007) Leadership development program is aimed to assist employees in improving their skills and in doing their work effectively and efficiently. Organizations have to compete across the globe so this program is of great importance to them as they have to face business challenges. Tirmizi identified importance of leadership. The 6-L framework dimensions developed by Tirmizi are: 1. Leads and encourage change 2. Lives by example 3. Lauds achievement 4. Lends a vision 5. Leverages learning and development 6. Looks out for others The variables discussed in this paper are already mentioned in the introductory paragraph whose general relationship is shown in the diagram below: This diagram shows that coaching, training and development, empowerment, participation, delegation effects employee performance, which as a result bring about organizational change. Talking about each variable relationship briefly, the writer considers coaching as an important technique to increase performance. Training and development is to make employees more skillful and it fills the gap between actual performance and desired performance. This concept has been explained by the Bramleys Individual Model of Training as depicted in the diagram below: Bramleys Individual Model of Training Coming towards empowerment, Duvall (1999), defines success as achievement, accomplishment and attainment which is a consequence of empowerment. Participation means involving employees in problem solving. When employees come across organizational problems, they experience how to handle such situations. This creates a sense of contribution towards organizations success. They have opportunity to give ideas. Delegation means giving responsibility and authority which means that Employee exercise his authority for making decisions that are beneficial for the organization. On the basis of all these assumptions the writer considered a positive relationship between leadership development and employee performance. Talking about implications of this article in my research paper, I get to know that Training and Coaching are the learning processes in which employees learn skills whereas Participation, Delegation and Empowerment are implementation tools. Employee performance depends on leadership development factors but it also depends on other factors i.e. attitudes, commitment, motivational factors and trust in organization. A blend of all these factors influences employee performance completely which as a result bring about organizational change. Coupled effects of knowledge and leadership Shazia Akhtar (2010), in this study, draws attention towards the need to change for organizations in this highly competitive environment for long term survival. The changes help the organizations to sustain in market, achieve competitive edge and to generate profits. Organizations performance is influenced by employee productivity and job satisfaction, which are influenced by working conditions of the organization. Organizations significant aim is to find innovative employees who have that magic company is looking for. Leaders play a vital role in inspiring and influencing employees and also cultivating innovative behavior among them. The Leadership traits that shape employees innovative behavior, extracted from the study of De Yong and Den Hartog are: In innovative role model trait leaders with creativity encourage their employees to be like them and to be innovative. Leaders who acted as model of creativity promoted employees to be more creative for example in De Yong and Den Hartog study, one of front runner employee said I am always looking for ways to do things better and improve results. It stimulates some of the employees to do the same. On intellectual stimulation leaders wanted their employees to solve problems by giving possible solutions. Leaders wanted them express their opinion on different proposals. Stimulating knowledge diffusion means to diffuse ideas at all levels of organization. To share ideas with subordinates actually creates a communication network among all. Issues are resolved when problems are shared. Lack of communication and sharing declines employees motivation and eliminates ideas. Providing vision to employees i.e. showing them a straight path to move on to achieve companys goal and targets. Delegating them sufficient autonomy so that they might not face any difficulty in handling any issue. This creates a sense of contribution and motivation among employees. Sharing leadership with employees makes them work more diligently and efficiently. Leaders should support for innovation. Give sufficient autonomy to subordinates to implement ideas. Employees should not be penalized for doing mistakes as it is a part of learning process, Supportive attitude accelerates the innovation process. Previous research by Hellstrom on association between Organizing feedback and innovative behavior illustrated that employees are ready to show their innovative behavior when leaders give feedback on their proposal. Recognition is an important attribute i.e. recognize employees work through appreciation and awards i.e. certificates of achievement. Rewards; monetary compensation of employees is also very important trait that shapes an employees innovative behavior and loyalty towards organization. Providing resources to generate more productive outcomes. Availability of resources is directly related to innovative outcomes. Leaders with insufficient resources are not able to achieve their target and so is competitive advantage. Keep a check on employees time after time to check their efficiency of doing work. Monitoring and employee efficiency are correlated. Monitoring should be done to ensure p rogress. Task assignment attribute is important to check employee efficiency from time to time. Give challenging tasks to employees and then evaluate their work. Task assignment influences idea generation, the more they take interest in job the more innovative ideas are likely to flourish. Now coming towards the implication of this study to my research paper, by studying this paper I get to know that the traits in managers are not sufficient but the Knowledge level of leadership traits in middle managers is constantly changing. Knowledge and leadership have a huge impact on organizational success and a blend of both helps in achieving competitive advantage. If managers are well educated on leadership traits, it is helpful to their understandings and Leaders may exhibit these leadership traits in different ways based on situation such as leader might consult employees more than once to ensure that innovative ideas are implemented successfully. HR Practices and Leadership Styles as Predictors of Employee Attitude and Behavior: Evidence from Pakistan Khurram Shahzad, et al. (2010), in this study, talks about Human Resource Management practices and leadership styles conducted in private and public sector universities. Such practices are valuable in creating human capital. The writers have emphasized the effect of leadership styles on organizational commitment and citizen behaviors (critical determinants of organizational effectiveness by Katz, 1964) among university teachers. The results of this study were very interesting and revealed that both human resource practices and leadership styles positively predicted organizational commitment of faculty members however they were unable to predict citizenship behaviors. The writers used the Katz Framework (1964), and applied it on the situation currently prevailing in Pakistan. The findings of the interviews are summed up in table 1.1 given below: Table 1.1: Responses of the university employees as per Katz Framework Katz (1964) Frame Work for Effective Organizations Situation of Public Sector Situation of Private Sector Universities Universities Emphasis on employees on carry out their assigned roles Emphasized Emphasized Emphasis on retaining employees Not emphasized Emphasized to some extent Emphasis on employees to exhibit extra-role behavior Not emphasized Not emphasized The above results clearly revealed that the important aspect of organizational effectiveness that is extra-role behavior (organizational citizenship behavior) is clearly not emphasized in both public and private sector universities. It is also found that employee retention (through organizational commitment) is not at all emphasized in public sector universities and partially emphasized in private sector universities. Most managers of the universities were found totally unaware of the fact that organizational citizenship behavior and organizational commitment is related to organizational outcomes can be consciously managed through organizational factors like human resource management practices and leadership style. Although the mangers have some idea these concepts but application of these concepts in the area of their responsibility is not taken care of. Leadership Styles for the Five Stages of Radical Change Dr. Kathleen K. Reardon, et al. (1998), in this study, continues prior work on radical change with theory and research on leadership style. Leadership experts agree that a key challenge facing leaders now and in the future is responsiveness to radical change. Using the Leadership Style Inventory, leaders can determine which stages of radical change they are equipped to handle. Further the article explores how individual and group leadership style limitations can be dealt with to ensure radical change success. The key component of successful leadership now and in the next century is proactive and effective responsiveness to change. Experts agree that successful leaders must be flexible and capable of adapting to new conditions, open to novel alternatives, and willing to take greater risks (Kotter, 1990; OToole, 1996). The leadership styles shown in Figure below were derived from work on the Leader-ship Style Inventory (LSI) developed by Rowe, Reardon, and Bennis (1995). The inventory identifies differences in style used by leaders that are based on the following two questions: How adaptive are leaders when dealing with the issues they face? How do leaders communicate with, persuade, and energize employees in the process of change? The LSI identifies four basic styles: commanding, logical, inspirational, and supportive. One of its major strengths is that it also describes combinations of the basic styles called patterns. These patterns help to describe the complexity be-hind leader behavior and competence for radical change. Details are provided in the table below: Leader Focuses Persuades Makes Learns Style On by changes by Commanding Results Directing Rapidly Doing Logical Innovation Explaining Carefully Studying Inspirational Opportunities Creating trust Radically Questioning Supportive Facilitating work Involvement Slowly Listening Most leaders do not possess a single style, but a combination. These combinations indicate which styles leaders are pre-disposed to use. From the article we get to know that change is not an event but an extended process. Each stage of that process benefits from different leadership orientations. Strategy researchers have proposed that change involves at least three stages: initiation, formulation, and implementation (Webb and Dawson, 1991; Pettigrew, 1987; Child and Smith, 1987, Rajagopalan and Spreitzer, 1994. Another model (Rowe and Mann, 1988) proposed four factors in the change process: Decision makers style, organizational culture, employees willingness to change, and acceptance of change based on a match among values, culture, and decision style. John Kotter (1990), proposed that leading change requires: establishing direction, aligning people, and motivating and inspiring. The model shown in this article in the figure below draws upon Kotters model but adds two stages described by Kotter but not specifically stated in his model: launching and maintaining. Phase Focuses Style Planning Acquire information Logical/inspirational Creative ideas Inspirational Strategy formulation Logical Enabling Explaining plan Logical Convincing employees Logical Empowering/involving Inspirational/supportive Assisting Supportive Launching Implementing steps Logical Meeting goals Commanding Getting results Commanding Assessing progress Logical Catalyzing Inspiring Inspirational Energizing Inspirational Assisting Supportive Maintaining Overseeing progress Logical Guiding Inspirational Energizing Inspirational Assisting Supportive After talking about the variables discussed in this study I move forward towards the implication of this study to my research paper. After studying it I get to know that, leaders need to be aware of their predispositions. The LSI provides that information. By linking the LSI with the Five-stage Radical Change Model, leaders can see where their own and their peoples strengths and challenges lie. Knowing what youre best suited for and what might be more effectively led by others is critical to achieving success in todays environment of radical change. Need for Leadership: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Mohmood A. Bodla, et al. (2010), in this study, explores the moderator effect of situational variables in leadership literature around the globe. However, this area is the most neglected area among the behavioral scientists of Pakistan. Therefore, their study seeks to find out the moderator effect of need for leadership in relation with leadership characteristics on subordinates behavioral outcomes using the need for leadership framework of de Vries (1997), in Pakistani work settings. A decade ago, de Vries (1997) suggested that need for leadership prevails in each follower and this need influences leadership efforts in predicting the subordinates work outcomes. According to author, need for leadership is a social, contextual, and quasi need (p. 92) which is linked with variety of individuals, task and organizational characteristics simultaneously that affect leadership efforts on subordinates behaviors. First, need for leadership is ascribed as a social need. The term social refers; this need is stimulated among individuals while working in a group. According to McClelland (1953), people acquire different needs as result of social interactions with others. It is clear that most of the employees work related activities are performed in a group. While working in groups, people develop strong sense of belongingness with each other and try to perform certain activities which are in interest of common goal. In these groups, some people play the role of leaders, while others act as subordinates. According to de Vries (1997), the need which is provoked by the leader among subordinates due to his position power or the need activated among individuals adhering groups goal is need for leadership. Second, need for leadership is a contextual need. Contextual refers to work environment and type of work individuals have to perform. According to House (1971), in case of highly professional jobs, where tasks are ambiguous and methodological variant and work activities are non routine, subordinates may feel insecure due to role ambiguity and have strong desire for leaders interventions which serve to reduce the role ambiguity whereas, in case of routine and dull tasks, followers may desire strong social support from their leaders. In both situations, desiring different leadership (e.g. instrumental leadership or supportive leadership) by followers reflect the situational aspects of need for leadership. Besides the work settings, followers characteristics are also important for determining the need for leadership. For example, trained, experienced, and qualified employees require less hierarchical guidance (i.e. need for leadership) than their less able and less trained colleagues (K err and Jermier, 1978). Third, need for leadership is a quasi need. Quasi refers to the position of need for leadership that it takes place. Unlike the primary needs e.g. hunger, thirst or shelter needs postulated by Maslow (1943), this need is a secondary need and mainly related to mental activities (De Vries, 1997). Coming towards the implications of this paper to my research, through it I get to know that, to what extent, the results of moderator effect in leadership research are improved using the single moderator variable and how much these results are beneficial for practicing managers. For the practitioners, the results of the study are strongly convincing them that they must understand the need for leadership of their followers before exercising their leadership practices. Moreover, for future researchers, this theory seems promising and demanding more research in the future. Leadership and Change Management June Kaminski (2000), in this study, draws attention towards adaptation to change which has become a common agenda for organizations of all types health care, business, social, governmental, educational, and cultural. Change is no longer an irregular outing, an inconvenient upheaval to be undertaken once every ten years. Change is something we have to learn to live with, to structure and to manage. Change is here to stay, and the winners will be the ones who cope with it.- (Bainbridge, 1996, p. 4) But according to the writer, the change process is not so easy and a lot of obstacles hinder your progress. Some factors that contribute towards resistance to change are: Bureaucracy Control Rigidity Functionalism and most importantly Peoples attitude towards change Change within organizations occurs on countless levels. Lewin (1951), gave his model of change in his force field model. He characterized change as a state of imbalance between driving forces and restraining forces. If these forces were balanced no change could take place. Change is inherent in every context. Change is disruptive, messy, complicated, and unpredictable but is still manageable (Bainbridge, 1996). Change is risky especially when it encompasses different sectors within an organization. Wilson pointed out that a shift from emergent models of change to planned ones has steadily occurred over the past two decades. A total shift is not advised though, since the political and economic context of the surrounding environment cannot be ignored, and must also be adapted to. Coming towards the variables discussed, the very culture of an organization needs to be reshaped to properly support the new processes introduced. Structures, reward systems, appraisal measurements and roles need redefinition (Bainbridge, 1996). Leadership styles and management procedures must shift and adapt, and ways of relating with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders need refining. Technological advances and capabilities must be introduced, and preparation of the workforce to work with the new IT structures is needed. Change has become perpetual. In order to cope, organizations need a design process with strategies and guidelines for thriving amongst a multitude of changes. The creation and design process within an organization is role of leaders. Change process which encompasses human resources, IT adoption, and upgrades, tools and techniques as well as basic rules and controls within the organization and are mandate of leaders engaged in the management of change (Bainbridge, 1996). Leaders are responsible for bridging the gap between strategy decisions and the reality of implementing the changes within the structure and workforce of the organization. Underlying this principle is the fact that almost everything in an organizations infrastructure has an influence on some other part of it. Management style affects culture, technology affects the way staff interact with customers, internal communication methods affect how people work together, (Bainbridge, 1996, p. 37). A holistic approach to change management encourages the redesign and adaptation to change at all organizational levels. In essence, process itself can become the platform for change to occ ur, as well as the protector of the existent daily operations. Leaders are the champions of change within an organization. Adaptive leaders provide direction, protection, orientation, conflict control, and the shaping of norms while overseeing the change process within the corporate structure (Conger, Spreitzer Lawler, 1999). Transformative leaders share fundamental characteristics that allow them to enable organizational members in the change process (Conger, Spreitzer Lawler, 1999). The steps to transform an organization are: Establishing a sense of urgency Forming a powerful guiding coalition Creating a vision Communicating the vision Empowering others to act on the vision Planning for and creating short term wins Consolidating improvements and producing still more change Institutionalizing new approaches Further Bainbridge (1996), outlined a five step process of redesign for organizations undergoing planned change. The five steps included: The design stage to determine overall requirements The definition stage where the design is specified and documentation of the design stage requirements occurs The development stage, where new capabilities are cultivated through training, education and restructuring The dismantling stage, where redundant parts of the organization are removed or converted into new capabilities The deployment stage, where new capabilities are introduced into the new organizational environment, both internally and externally By reading this paper I get to know that, the leader, as a person, is the most important tool for change. The leaders spirit, insight, wisdom, compassion, values, and learning skills are all important facets in the capabilities to lead others to embrace change and redesign strategies. So, the key to successful organizational change is heroic and learned change management by competent and visionary leaders. Change can be managed in a top-down style or as a highly participative exercise from all levels of personnel. Change is context specific, meaning that no single change process is appropriate for every situation or corporate entity. Leaders are responsible for setting the context for change within an organization. A culture and vision must be cultivated that can support the planned changes, and deal with unplanned change. Leaders must be able to counsel, teach, coach, and reward employees as they adopt and move through the change process. For lasting change to occur, habits, attitudes, and values at all levels of an organization must be congruent with the vision and goals inherent in the process. Leadership and the Aging Workforce: The Impact of Leadership Style on the Motivation of Older Employees Heike Bruch, et al. (2006), in this study, examines the effects of transformational and transactional leadership styles on the goal commitment of younger and older employees. The transactional and transformational theories of leadership were developed by Burns (1978) in politics and they were applied to organizational management by Bass (1985). Transactional leadership is based on the exchange of resources to fulfill contractual obligations and is typically represented as setting objectives and monitoring and controlling outcomes. Transformational leadership goes beyond transactions and involves influences on the beliefs, needs and values of followers, eventually helping followers achieve extraordinary goals The term goal has been defined as the object or aim of an action to attain a specific standard of proficiency on a given task within a specific time frame (Latham, 2000; Locke Latham, 1990, 2002), with effective goal setting representing one of the key levers for enhancing employee motivation. After creating a proper frame work on the above mentioned variables the results of this research showed that transactional leadership is positively related to employees goal commitment, with transformational leadership augmenting this effect. Moderator hypotheses were partially confirmed, such that the relationship between transformational leadership style and goal commitment was strongly positive for younger employees, while this relationship was slightly negative for older employees. In contrast, age was not found to moderate the relationship between transactional leadership and goal commitment. Leadership Style, Organizational Politics, and Employees Performance Eran Vigoda-Gadot (2006), in this study, aims to examine perceptions of politics among public sector employees as a possible mediator between the supervisors leadership style and formal and informal aspects of employees performance (Organizational Citizenship Behavior OCB). Burns (1978) identified two basic factors in the interaction between leadership and employees. One factor stems from the leaders ability to deliver rewards and punishments (transactional leadership). The second factor is the leaders ability to rally his staff and urge them to cooperate in achieving the organizations goals (transformational leadership). The expectancy theory (Vroom, 1964), the social exchange theory (Blau, 1964), and the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory (Graen, 1976; Wang et al., 2005) supported the need for a more balanced relationship between leaders and members and the idea of fair treatment of the individual. Reciprocity, fair exchange, and a low level of organization politics appear to be influential in the context of leadership style and performance. The current study examined the relationship between two types of leadership and formal and informal performance in the light of the knowledge accumulated in recent years regarding organizational politics. The findings demonstrate that organizational politics can be considered an influential mediator between leadership and performance beyond the direct relationship already established in the literature. As previously suggested by Ammeter et al. (2002) and others, a constant tension exists between the individuals involvement in political dynamics, his/her aspiration to develop and promote self-interests, and the goal of improving organizational performance. According to this study, transformational leadership may have a positive direct effect on employees performance by structuring an environment that is perceived as less political in nature and is rooted in notions of fairness and equity. Such an environment should motivate employees to demonstrate excellent performance, both formally and informally, by higher levels of in-role behaviors and enhanced organizational citizenship behavior. A Study of the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Employee Job Satisfaction at Islamic Azad University Branches in Tehran, Iran Fatemeh Hamidifar (2009), in this research, found that the dominant leadership styles were transformational and transactional and employees were moderately satisfied with their job. The results show that different leadership style factors will have different impacts on employee job satisfaction components. Individualized consideration and laissez-faire are strong predictors of all the job satisfaction factors. The major concepts discussed by the researcher are Transformational leaders, Transactional leaders and the concept of laissez-faire. Transformational leaders do more with followers and colleagues than transactional leaders do (Avolio et al. 1991). Instead of a simple exchange and agreement, transformational leaders provide a vision and a sense of mission, inspire pride, and gain respect and trust through charisma (Bass et al. 1990). Transactional leaders communicate with their subordinates to explain how a task must be done and let them know that there will be rewards for a job done well (Avolio et al. 1991). Laissez- faire leadership is a passive kind of leadership style. There is no relationship exchange between the leader and the followers. It represents a non-transactional kind of leadership style in which necessary decisions are not made, actions are delayed, leadership responsibilities ignored, and authority unused. A leader displaying this form of non-leadership is perceived a s not caring at all about others issues. Job satisfaction may be defined as a positive emotional response from the assessment of a job or specific aspects of a job (Locke 1976; Smith et al. 1969). It is influenced by many factors such as: the working conditions, work itself, supervision, policy and administration, advancement, compensation, interpersonal relationships, recognition, and empowerment (Castillo Cano 2004). Now coming towards the relationship between the leadership styles and job satisfaction, Leadership style is an important determinant of employee job satisfaction. The reactions of employees to their leaders will usually depend on the characteristics of the employees as well as on the characteristics of the leaders (Wexley Yukl 1984). Employee job satisfaction is influenced by the internal organization environment, which includes organizational climate, leadership types and personnel relationships (Seashore and Taber 1975). The quality of the leader-employee relationship or the lack thereof has a great influence on the employees self-esteem and job satisfaction (Chen Spector 1991; Brockne
Friday, October 25, 2019
Did America undergo a revolution? :: American America History
Did America undergo a revolution? Before we ask the main question, (whether America underwent a revolution in the Late 18th century) we must first define what a revolution is. In the past it used to mean there was a change in the society but then after a period of time it would return to the way it was, hence the word revolution, to revolve. Now if you look it up in the dictionary it tends to mean something radically changes and then stay's that way i.e. '' Fundamental change in values, political institutions, social structure and leadership brought about by a large scale revolt.'' The totality of change in a revolution distinguishes it from coups, rebellions and wars of independence, which seek to achieve only particular changes. For a complete revolution to take place there are six stages which should be completed, though it is impossible to predict the exact course of a revolution so this is just a guideline. The first of the stages is breaking away from the past, this is the stage that takes place even before the revolutionaries can think of setting up a new order for society. This stage is the weakening of the old society or government. Now that the the old order has fallen there is an apparent period of calming down, though peoples expectations are still high, if the new order doesn't resolve the issues that caused the political upheaval in the first place then the days of moderation will be short lived, this stage is called '' The weakness of Moderates''. A revolution is like starting again with a clean plate, so there is a radical backlash against prior powers. This stage eliminates all the old order and it's sympathisers, as they are seen as evil or corrupt, shortly anyone who is suspected of sharing or longing to go back to the old ways could become a target for social cleansing. This stage is called ''wiping out the past'' for obvious reasons. The next stage is the ''temporary set back'' or ''Thermidor'', this is when a revolution tries to turn back, though these temporary retreats a re usually just pauses to regain strength. Then comes dictatorship or ''Bonapartism'', meaning that all the ideals in a revolution are ultimately betrayed by a dictator. Bonapartism is the gaining of power using military strength. The final stage is restoration, this is the loop in the stages, when everything returns to basically the way it was except under a different power. Did America undergo a revolution? :: American America History Did America undergo a revolution? Before we ask the main question, (whether America underwent a revolution in the Late 18th century) we must first define what a revolution is. In the past it used to mean there was a change in the society but then after a period of time it would return to the way it was, hence the word revolution, to revolve. Now if you look it up in the dictionary it tends to mean something radically changes and then stay's that way i.e. '' Fundamental change in values, political institutions, social structure and leadership brought about by a large scale revolt.'' The totality of change in a revolution distinguishes it from coups, rebellions and wars of independence, which seek to achieve only particular changes. For a complete revolution to take place there are six stages which should be completed, though it is impossible to predict the exact course of a revolution so this is just a guideline. The first of the stages is breaking away from the past, this is the stage that takes place even before the revolutionaries can think of setting up a new order for society. This stage is the weakening of the old society or government. Now that the the old order has fallen there is an apparent period of calming down, though peoples expectations are still high, if the new order doesn't resolve the issues that caused the political upheaval in the first place then the days of moderation will be short lived, this stage is called '' The weakness of Moderates''. A revolution is like starting again with a clean plate, so there is a radical backlash against prior powers. This stage eliminates all the old order and it's sympathisers, as they are seen as evil or corrupt, shortly anyone who is suspected of sharing or longing to go back to the old ways could become a target for social cleansing. This stage is called ''wiping out the past'' for obvious reasons. The next stage is the ''temporary set back'' or ''Thermidor'', this is when a revolution tries to turn back, though these temporary retreats a re usually just pauses to regain strength. Then comes dictatorship or ''Bonapartism'', meaning that all the ideals in a revolution are ultimately betrayed by a dictator. Bonapartism is the gaining of power using military strength. The final stage is restoration, this is the loop in the stages, when everything returns to basically the way it was except under a different power.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
William Edwards Deming
Mike LaVine 12/12/12 Individual assignment 2 William Edwards Deming William Edwards Deming was an American statistician professor. He was also considered an author, consultant, and lecturer. Deming is most famous for his work done in Japan where he taught top management how to improve design, service, testing, quality, and sales through many of his unique methods. Deming made a significant contribution the Japanââ¬â¢s economic status for the innovation of high quality products. He is said to have the highest impact on Japanese manufacturing and business of any non-native Japanese person.Demingââ¬â¢s work also grew in the United States and he received the National Medal of Technology in 1987 and the Distinguished Career in Science award from the National Academy of Sciences in 1988. It is stated ââ¬Å"Dr. W. Edwards Deming taught that by adopting appropriate principles of management, organizations can increase quality and simultaneously reduce costs (by reducing waste, rework, staff attrition and litigation while increasing customer loyalty). The key is to practice continual improvement and think of manufacturing as a system, not as bits and pieces. â⬠Deming is well known for his Deming system of profound knowledge. Deming said all managers needed to have this system of profound knowledge and it consisted of four parts. First, was appreciation of a system; understanding the overall processes involving suppliers, producers, and customers of good and services. Second, Knowledge of variation; the range and causes of variation in quality, and se of statistical sampling in measurements. Next, the theory of knowledge; the concepts explaining knowledge and the limits of what can be known. And last, knowledge of psychology; concepts of human nature. One need not be eminent in any part nor in all four parts in order to understand it and to apply it. â⬠ââ¬Å"Once the individual understands the system of profound knowledge, he will apply its principles i n every kind of relationship with other people. He will have a basis for judgment of his own decisions and for transformation of the organizations that he belongs to,â⬠says Deming. It is said the first thing that has to happen in this system is the person must be transformed. Once the person is transformed, he will see new meaning in his life. The individual will set a good example, be a good listener and teach others.Deming is also famous for his work in creating the 14 points for management. The System of Profound Knowledge is the basis for application of Deming's famous 14 Points for Management. These principles allowed managers to achieve a better understanding of how to transform business effectiveness. The 14 points were released for the first time in his book, Out of the Crisis. These 14 points are, 1. ââ¬Å"Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive, stay in business and to provide jobs. . Adopt the new ph ilosophy. We are in a new economic age. Western management must awaken to the challenge, must learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership for change. 3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for massive inspection by building quality into the product in the first place. 4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of a price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move towards a single supplier for any one item, on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust. 5.Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs. 6. Institute training on the job. 7. Institute leadership (see Point 12 and Ch. 8 of ââ¬Å"Out of the Crisisâ⬠). The aim of supervision should be to help people and machines and gadgets do a better job. Supervision of management is in need of overhaul, as well as supervision of production workers. 8. Drive out fear, so that everyone m ay work effectively for the company. (See Ch. 3 of ââ¬Å"Out of the Crisisâ⬠) 9. Break down barriers between departments.People in research, design, sales, and production must work as a team, in order to foresee problems of production and usage that may be encountered with the product or service. 10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for zero defects and new levels of productivity. Such exhortations only create adversarial relationships, as the bulk of the causes of low quality and low productivity belong to the system and thus lie beyond the power of the work force. 11. a. Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory floor. Substitute with leadership. b. Eliminate management by objective.Eliminate management by numbers and numerical goals. Instead substitute with leadership. 12. a. Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his right to pride of workmanship. The responsibility of supervisors must be changed from sheer numbers to qua lity. b. Remove barriers that rob people in management and in engineering of their right to pride of workmanship. This means, inter alia, abolishment of the annual or merit rating and of management by objectives 13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement. 14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.The transformation is everybody's job. â⬠I fully agree with Demingââ¬â¢s teachings. I believe the system of profound knowledge is very effective system in engaging all aspects of an organization. It takes into account suppliers, producers and consumers and how they are all interrelated and increases flexibility. I believe Demingââ¬â¢s key principles involve every aspect of the organization to improve output and workmanship as well as working conditions, this includes minimizing total cost for employees, improves management for employees, creates a better working environment, and improves output.As a manager, I would use the 14 key principle points in bettering the working environment for employees. It would allow me to better take on leadership and change in the organization, help to minimize total cost and move into long term relationships with other organizations, influence more training on the job to improve productivity, supervise to help people do a better job, and work as a team with other departments to increase company productivity. I have learned that transformation is everybodyââ¬â¢s job and it would give me a whole different outlook as a manager.References Deming, W. Edwards. ââ¬Å"Those Lean Years at Wyoming U. â⬠(2011). Retrieved November 24, 2012, from http://deming. org/index. cfm? content=63 McInnis, D. (2011). W. Edwards Deming of Powell, wyo. : The man who helped shape the world. Retrieved November 24/2012 from http://www. wyohistory. org/encyclopedia/w-edwards-deming Madison, J. (n. d. ). Ed Deming A Pioneer and Prophet of Total Quality Management. Retrieved November 25, 2 012, from http://www. stfrancis. edu/content/ba/stuwebs/biograph/deming2. htm.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analysis of Lincolnââ¬â¢s First Inaugural Address Essay
When Abraham Lincoln won the presidency in 1860 the Union was divided. He accepted his presidential duties knowing that he was working with a nation that no longer remained united. Seven of the southern states had already seceded from the Union and were beginning to refer to themselves as the Confederates. What he had now were free states and slave states. When Lincoln gave his Inaugural Address he attempted to do so in a way that would not dissuade his chances of gaining support in the southern states, especially when it involved the institution of slavery. However, he also made it clear in his address that he believed a secure and united nation was of utmost importance and he rejected the ideas of secession and minority rule, and he did not endorse the separation of his nation. Abraham Lincoln was elected without the support of a single southern state. The states in the south were fearful that Lincoln, who openly discouraged slavery, would establish anti-slavery laws and equality for all citizens, including blacks. However, in his address Lincoln did the opposite. Lincoln knew the southern states were apprehensive of him being the man in charge and assumed their rights may be endangered and he wanted to ease their mind. He let those in the South know that he had no purpose to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states it currently exists, and that he had no lawful right to do so (669). Lincoln had said this repeatedly in many speeches he made before this address, and he never intended to change his position on this. He believed each state had the right to control their domestic affairs, and the federal government will do its best not to interfere with state sovereignty. That balance of power is what makes the political system in the United States so successful and Lincoln really attempts to respect that. Lincoln then addresses the controversy about the delivering up of slaves after they have escaped. He refers directly to a passage in the Constitution that says any person who is held to a service or labor in one State and escapes to another cannot by law by pardoned from said job, but must be returned to whoever the service or labor is due (670). Lincoln does question if this was only put in the Constitution by those who hoped to reclaim fugitive slaves who have escaped, but he does acknowledge the fact that because it is in the Constitution himself and members of Congress support it. Although it is not clear who will enforce this policy, the national or State authorities, Lincoln suggests that it is in all States best interest to abide by the laws in the Constitution that have yet to be repealed. Although Lincoln was very tolerant of the institution of slavery in the Southern States even though he did not fully support it, he did not stand for a nation divided. As the southern states continued to remove themselves from the Union, Lincoln feared they were attempting to disrupt the order of things in the nation. The Union of States is considered to be perpetual. It is the fundamental law of all national governments; no government would allow provisions in its constitution that would allow for it to be terminated. He states that since the beginning of the Union there has been progression only towards strengthening the Union and the establishment of the Constitution was to ââ¬Å"form a more perfect Unionâ⬠(671). As States continue to secede the nation is becoming less perfect because the vital element of perpetuity is lost. States are legally bound to remain a part of the Union, and those who attempt to work against the national authority are insurrectionary (671). As the president of the United States Lincoln believes he has an important duty in taking whatever means necessary to keep the Union in place. He makes it very clear though, that in his attempt to defend and maintain the Union he plans to do so without bloodshed or the use of violence unless he is forced to do so. Lincoln strives to resolve these national issues in a peaceful manner. Abraham Lincoln stands firm in his belief that the separation of the Union will have definite consequences. He believes that before the southern states carry out a matter as great as the destruction of the Union they are a part of they consider the gravity of their decision. Lincoln states that there is not any time when any right plainly written in the Constitution has been denied. If there was a time when the majority deprived a minority of his constitutional rights then there may be cause or justification for a revolution, but this is not the case in this situation (673). The Constitution ensures that all of the fundamental rights of individuals are covered so there should never be and questions concerning them. However, the Constitution cannot possibly cover all questions and issues brought before it, and this is where the division between the minority and majority derive. If a minority chooses to secede from the majority rather than attempt to comply they are setting themselves up for disaster. A minority of their own will secede from them after the majority refuses to be controlled by them, and there a destructive pattern begins (673). Lincoln expresses in his Address how important it is that the nation does not separate. All of the States must share the same nation, the same land, and that is not going to change. A wall cannot just be built and all problems and issues forgot. All States must work together to solve the issues and remain a united nation. Lincoln is aware that when individuals or States are unhappy with the existing government they the ability to exercise their rights of amending the Constitution or attempting to overthrow it (675). He believes that if the citizens of his nation want a change or hope to make amendments to the Constitution they do so in a more proper and convention manner than to rebel against the national government or to separate from the Union, very extreme and destructive measures. The most pressing issue is that of slavery, that is the only substantial dispute between the States. One half of the nation is against it, the other half believe it is right and want to extend their right to keep slaves. The provisions in the Constitution involving slavery, the fugitive-slave clause and the suppression of the foreign slave trade are well enforced and in some ways work to please both sides of the dispute (673). This is not an issue that can be easily solved but the separation of the Union will make things much worse off than they were before. The foreign slave trade would be revived, angering the anti-slave states, and those states would ultimately refuse to return slaves who escape (673). Lincoln believes that the fate of the Union lies in the hands of his fellow-countrymen. The issue of civil war is prevalent and will be the greatest consequence of secession. He assures his citizens that the government will not be the assailant and there will be no conflict unless they are the aggressors. Lincoln makes it very clear in his address how important he believes the unity of the nation is. No problems will be solved by separating and he wants the citizens of his nation to know where he stands on the issue. It was known that Abraham Lincoln supported the Northern, anti-slave states but in this Address he focuses on trying to persuade them that secession is not the answer, and ttempts to do so without further alienating them. Any president beginning their first term wants to clearly state his position on the most pressing issues at the time of their election, and how he plans to tackle them. Although, Lincoln does not specifically list the ways in which he plans to reunite his nation he does warn them of the eventual consequences if the problem is not addresses and solved. Lincoln knew what was to come if the two sides could not reach an agreement, and he was right.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Biology essays
Biology essays Ontological Hierarchy and Moral Decisions Plato first posited the theory of an ontological hierarchy in his account of human beings a priori knowledge. He believed that humans gained universal knowledge through the direct contact between perfect, other-worldly Forms and our pre-natal souls. Augustine borrowed from this theory of an ontological hierarchy in his essay on moral decision making. In his, On the Free Choice of the Will, Augustine attempts to resolve the problem of how there could be evil in a world created by an all-powerful, all-knowing, and benevolent God, and how we might arrive at good, moral decisions with a corruptible free will. He starts at the very beginning by describing the nature of existence and being. He says that there is a hierarchical system at work in nature, as things that understand (humans) are better than things that merely live (beasts), which are better than things that simply exist (stones). Humans, because of their ability to reason and understand, are at the top of the natural hierarchical structure, but if there were something superior (higher in the hierarchy) to human reason, then that being would be God, unless there is something superior to it, which then would be God. With this theory in place, Augustine goes on to show that there is something superior to human reason, namely a common truth that exists. This truth accounts for the human understanding of numbers and wisdom, which could not be grasped simply by reason. Therefore, since there is something superior to human reason, there must be a God. The problem of how to make the right moral decisions still remains, though, for our free will has the ability to make bad or evil choices. Since we are imperfect beings, merely a deformed copy of the superior God, we are not fully able to make the right moral decisions simply based upon what we believe to be right, for evil is a deformity of the good, Go...
Monday, October 21, 2019
ASSIGNMENT EIGHT 2 Example ASSIGNMENT EIGHT 2 ââ¬â Coursework Example According to Thomas Dublin, the changes in the textile mills which included reduction of wages and increase in the pace of work made women to reconsider protest as the only way of saving themselves from oppressions. This is evidenced by their involvement in strike between 1834 and 1836 which quested to protest against wage cuts. Between 1843 and 1848, the women protested against the long working hours in the mills; they campaigned towards ensuring the working hours have been reduced (Richter 11). The North and South varied in diverse ways. For instance, it is evident that the number of middleclass people was greater in the North than in the South. It is also evident that the North majored in industrialization as well as small farming whereas the South was agriculturists who relied entirely on the labor offered by slaves (Lasser and Robertson 343). Additionally, education was highly valued in the North than in the South; majority of the Northerners were literate. These variations wer e among the reasons that made slavery to be highly practiced in the South than in the North. Additionally, these variations enhanced reduction of manual labor (slavery) as well as labor costs in the North. It is also evident that literacy enhanced change of oppressive working conditions in the North. In the South, where slavery was highly practiced, black women worked on not only mines, but also cotton farms as tillers. Unlike black women, white women participated in home chores as housewives (Smith 6). Additionally, it is evident that some white women were barred by their husbands from doing domestic works at the cost of the blacks. Unlike the white women in the South, majority of the white women in the North played a very significant role in the maintenance of the industries. Lasser, Carol and Robertson, Stacey. Antebellum Women: Private, Public, Partisan American Controversies. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013. Print.Richter, William. Historical Dictionary of the Old South. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013. Print.Smith, Andrea. Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy. Rethinking Women of Color Organization. 22 June 2014.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Assignment #2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
#2 - Assignment Example Zoe was born out of an affair between Judge Payton- who owned large plantation in Louisiana, and his black slave. Zoe found herself in a society that was not tolerant towards blacks. She appreciated the fact that she was not purely a white. In fact, there are cases where she referred to herself as unholy because she had traces of a black person, especially in her eyes. When she met George and he confessed his love for her, she pointed out to the fact that the law did not allow for the marriage between the blacks and the whites. She considered herself more of a black than a white, though the father was a white. However, in the last scene of this play, Zoe did not die as many people had predicted when she said that she would commit suicide. However, she was happily united with George. By changing this scene, the author would have succeeded in demonstrating the negative effect of the racial segregation that riddled the American society. However, the author would have lost the opportunity to point out at the fact that it is possible to overcome racial segregations as is witnessed at the end of the story. The play, Shenandoah, is very interesting. According to Delmore (37), this play became very popular when it was published. It was a success for many people found relevance in the book. It was not only popular during this time because of its richness in emotion and humor, but also for the content. The play depicts the enmity that existed between North Americans and the Southerners. These two regions have been considered as brothers and had treated each other as such. However, this was not the case at this point. This volatility could even be witnessed in families. The fact that this play presents a different angle to life made it very popular. Charlie Anderson, who was widowed, would not let his son fight amongst themselves. He tries to ensure that his sons would be at peace with one another. This made the society have hopes that peace could prevail
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 43
Marketing - Essay Example Apple maintains a monolithic identity of its brand, with all their products associated with the Apple name, including its iPod, iTunes, and iPhone products. Additionally, the ultra-successful retail stores give customers a direct experience of their brand values (Schneiders 49). Visiting their stores to buy the iPhone 4s gives the customer a no-pressure and stimulating experience, as the staff gives them practical help on products. The staff also helps to build brand value by their enthusiastic, informative, helpful, and expert help, without being too pushy or brush. The overall feeling, one of inclusiveness in a community that comprehends how great technology feels and looks like and how it should feel, create a strong brand name for the company. The average interaction with consumers for Apple inc. is low, with there being no reason to talk with a representative from their customer care service unless something fails. Interaction via the iphone 4s is multi-faceted, and thus Apple took the wise decision by sticking to building a good product and leaving the service section to AT&T (Schneiders 34). In addition, Appleââ¬â¢s willingness to take new users through their one-to-one program, coupled with their patient and friendly store staff, which let the customer putter with the equipment. They allow this without making the customer feel as if they need to buy it then, more like a ââ¬Å"you can back when readyâ⬠attitude. This makes the customer want to go back and buy it, since he or she has been enamored by the Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10 Marketing - Essay Example This price is neither too cheap or very high given that it is averagely priced compared to other expensive cars which are pegged at more than AU$20 000. The proposed price takes into account factors such as cost as well as value offered by the brand. It is estimated that the cost of manufacturing a light vehicle will be around AU$5 000 so this price is reasonable given that the company will be in a position to generate reasonable profits from its operations. The company will use the penetration strategy when the brand is launched in different markets. The marketers first skim the market in order to establish the level of response by the targeted customers. The response from the targeted buyers will be specifically used to determine the price of the light vehicle. However, this will be constantly reviewed in order to ensure that the company gets the best out of the sales of its model car. Special pricing tactics will be used in the operations of the company. For instance, price discounts can be offered to certain target groups in order to ensure that they too can be in a position to afford the vehicle. The value based approach when setting the prices will also play the trick in as far as the success of this brand in the market is concerned. This is meant to ensure that the customers will be in a position to realise the uniqueness of the model car compared to other brands offered in the market by other competitors. Promotion strategy Tesla Company will utilise the promotional strategy of integrated marketing communications (IMC). This strategy combines promotional tools such as advertising, personal selling, public relations and direct marketing (Kotler & Armstrong, 2004). Advertising is a very crucial element of marketing given that it can reach a lot of people in geographically dispersed areas and the company will be able to repeat the same message for several times. The company will use this promotional tool given that it will create awareness among the potential consumers about the model car. On the other hand, personal selling will also be used in marketing this brand. This is so because the strategy is very effective
Friday, October 18, 2019
Is It Necessary for Nurses to Have High Education Essay
Is It Necessary for Nurses to Have High Education - Essay Example Healthcare is a sensitive field because of its direct impact on the life of an individual. Since nurses deal with the life of individuals, it is essential for them to be equipped with the relevant skills, knowledge and expertise. Indeed, it is necessary for nurses to have higher education. From the point of the level of skills and education, there are four distinct types of nursing. These include licensed practical nursing, registered nursing, bachelor degree nursing and PhD nursing. Also called licensed vocational nurses, licensed practical nurses are supervised by the registered nurses and perform mainly bedside care duties (Perrin 72). Registered nurses on the other hand perform administrative duties, provide direct patient care and carry out the treatments that are prescribed by the physicians (Mander, 41). Bachelor degree nurses hold degrees in nursing and have a chance to pursue higher education at master or doctorate level. Finally, PhD nurses hold a doctorate philosophy in Nu rsing and have essential knowledge regarding nursing discipline and clinical research. In most cases, these assume the topmost leadership positions in institutions. Nurses that are interested in pursuing higher education have the preceding options to further this good. Attaining higher education in nursing is important for various reasons. ... This knowledge is requisite for enabling them to work efficiently and with utmost ease. Specifically, it helps them to exercise creative and critical thought especially when dealing with emergency health problems. This is instrumental in enhancing their performance with respect to saving lives and improving the health and general wellbeing of the patients. Notably, relative skills can only be attained at a higher education level. For this reason, nurses need to further higher education. According to Kelley and Marthaler, the complexity of the concept of hospital care has increased significantly (Kelley and Marthaler, 62). An interview with the Health Department Head of the University of Hawaii ascertains that the health problems that are currently experienced are very complex (Watson 623). Patients are not only sicker but they are also frailer and susceptible to death. As such, relative institutions have been compelled to employ more sophisticated machinery to handle sensitive cases and help save lives. In this respect, it should be appreciated that technological advances are very dynamic and effective use of technology requires that an individual be well informed about these changes. Relevant knowledge can only be attained through higher education. Therefore, nurses have limited options in this regard; they can only enhance their wellbeing and overall performance through higher education. This is vital in enabling them to achieve their primary goals with respect to provide quality healthcare. Statistical evidence indicates that most health care institutions are focusing on multidisciplinary care teams (Benner, Sutphen and Day 51). This approach is desirable as it enables the institutions to provide services that are of very high
Marketing Plan for Ellens Stardust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Marketing Plan for Ellens Stardust - Essay Example Other aspects of the marketing mix have been discussed in details in this section. This coupled with the offering of traditional American delicacies and retro music is likely to boost performance of the business. The section covering action budget plans has shown that nearly $5 million can be spent by the business as marketing expenses. The detailed break-up of the components has also been provided. The section on the contingencies plan discussed the additional measures that can be adopted if the original planning is not realized. Finally, the section on evaluation and monitoring elaborates on various steps that can be adopted by Ellenââ¬â¢s Stardust Diner so as to monitor the marketing plan. Few techniques that has been pointed out includes return on investment, market share analysis, customer attitude tracking, market expense to sales ratio and last but not the least, analysis of sales figures. Ellenââ¬â¢s Stardust Diner is among one of the best themed dining restaurants based in New York City, which appeals to customers of all age groups. The business has come a long way since being established 27 years ago (Ellenââ¬â¢s Stardust Diner, 2013). The analysis of macro environment of the business has revealed that healthy eating habits promoted by the UK government and commitment towards reduction of waste products of the industry might entail greater operational costs. UK is slowly recovering from the recession; and as fast food restaurants perform better during sluggish economic performance, the business gets to experience greater opportunities. London West End has a similar cultural taste to that of New York and this improves the scope of opportunities for the restaurant (Petusevsky and Whole Foods, Inc, 2010). As the population in this place has a tendency of eating outside, the diner can afford to capitalize on it. London West End houses health
Thursday, October 17, 2019
International Trade and Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
International Trade and Technology - Assignment Example It can be seen that countries that have the resources and capacity end up benefitting from the ideas originating from the other nations that have weaker intellectual property protection (Roos, 2008). However, such countries also stand better chances for development since their ideas can be improved to come up with valuable products. Countries need weak intellectual property protection when they are still in the developing stages and they do not have the resources to turn their ideas into valuable product. This will help these countries to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) that can boost their economies (Haydam, 2001). On the other hand, countries that have vibrant economies need stronger intellectual property protection in order to protect their interests. 2. The World Trade Organization (WTO) in partnership with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) are specifically concerned with setting parameters for and directing the economic policies of governments around t he world (Haydam, 2001). In other words, WTO is responsible for facilitating trade among different nations and making sure that fair trade practices are upheld. However, the main issue with WTO is that it determines the amount of debt a country can get from international monetary organizations like IMF and World Bank. Developed countries enjoy an unfavourable advantage compared to developing countries which entails that they have an upper hand in various trade deals. The key element of The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is mainly related to protection of property rights. The technical barriers to the agreement involve the fact that less developed countries are often found at the receiving end since they may lack the technology and equipment to transform ideas into meaningful products that can be traded in order to boost their own local economies. As a result of the fact that developing nations may not have sufficient equipment to develop v arious products, they end up giving in to countries that have the resources which may not bring the anticipated results. 3. In most cases, the host country benefits from the international migration of scientists and technologists from poorer countries to wealthier countries. These people would boost growth and development in the host countries where they will get the opportunity to get jobs that suit their qualifications and skills. Warhurst (2008) suggest that migrant workers especially in developed countries positively contribute to their economic development. However, the main problem is that migrant workers are poorly remunerated since the host countries would also be intending to take advantage of them. Apart from failing to get salaries that are not commensurate with their skills and qualifications, the migrant workers will significantly contribute to the development of the host countries. Their knowledge and skills would be used to develop other countries while their own coun tries continue to lag behind in terms of development. Therefore, it can be seen that the host countries, developed nations in particular are the winners in as far as the aspect of skilled migrant workers is concerned. The original countries where these people come from are losers as a result of skills flight. The people who are supposed to carry out research and development project in the country
Class race gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Class race gender - Essay Example In this book, Wilson is applying an exciting new reasoned framework to three politically filled social problems. Wilson makes it very clear that the causes of poverty are structural in nature. He argues that structural forces, which he defines as the behavior shared by people who are in the same circumstances. He discusses that the black community unemployment, poverty, and teenage mothers are ââ¬Å"culturalâ⬠because they follow from the individualââ¬â¢s perception of how the society looks. In other words, the black communities grow up with a mentality that whatever they are going through is the way of life (Martinez 59). Wilson states that structural causes ââ¬Å"should be given more weightâ⬠. There seems to be a fundamental message in the book that claims that the poor blacks are not responsible nor can they fix anything that is structural until the barriers are removed either by the governing or by the racial discriminators themselves (Martinez 45). Wilson also feels that the social scientist are wasting time studying the structural causes rather than proposing methods that can be used to remove these barriers. The removal of these structural barriers will free the black community from racism bondage like illiteracy, employment, and social class. Therefore, Wilson emphasizes on change, no matter how long it might take. Further, he believes that this change ought to happen because it is the only barrier hindering the black community from prosperity. This change can begin by implementing neutral social policies and that those in power should address domestic poverty and establish vocational training and offer jobs for the blacks in ghetto. This will reduce unemployment and improve the class of the black community (Chin 87). However, Wilsons mind was changed by Barack Obamaââ¬â¢s famous campaign speech on race, and how blacks and whites hailed at the speech. Wilson believes that Obama will eventually address racism and bring Am erica to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Botany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Botany - Essay Example The research helps the natural scientists to find out things which they have not been able to study and hence the genetic engineering on plants is all the more significant. The third reason is concerned with how the industry has been able to benefit at the hands of the genetic engineering which has taken place over the years on plants. The fourth reason concerns the agricultural basis where genetically modified plants bring to light the genetically modified food forms. The genetically modified crops are also receiving significance because of their uses and advantages that are brought to the notice of all and sundry (James, 1997). The last reason is linked up with the other areas where the genetically engineered plants have been beneficial, mostly comprising of the materials science realms and the construction of the lithium-ion batteries. Hence the genetic engineering of plants is a very renowned area and one which has received attention for a number of different reasons mentioned
Class race gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Class race gender - Essay Example In this book, Wilson is applying an exciting new reasoned framework to three politically filled social problems. Wilson makes it very clear that the causes of poverty are structural in nature. He argues that structural forces, which he defines as the behavior shared by people who are in the same circumstances. He discusses that the black community unemployment, poverty, and teenage mothers are ââ¬Å"culturalâ⬠because they follow from the individualââ¬â¢s perception of how the society looks. In other words, the black communities grow up with a mentality that whatever they are going through is the way of life (Martinez 59). Wilson states that structural causes ââ¬Å"should be given more weightâ⬠. There seems to be a fundamental message in the book that claims that the poor blacks are not responsible nor can they fix anything that is structural until the barriers are removed either by the governing or by the racial discriminators themselves (Martinez 45). Wilson also feels that the social scientist are wasting time studying the structural causes rather than proposing methods that can be used to remove these barriers. The removal of these structural barriers will free the black community from racism bondage like illiteracy, employment, and social class. Therefore, Wilson emphasizes on change, no matter how long it might take. Further, he believes that this change ought to happen because it is the only barrier hindering the black community from prosperity. This change can begin by implementing neutral social policies and that those in power should address domestic poverty and establish vocational training and offer jobs for the blacks in ghetto. This will reduce unemployment and improve the class of the black community (Chin 87). However, Wilsons mind was changed by Barack Obamaââ¬â¢s famous campaign speech on race, and how blacks and whites hailed at the speech. Wilson believes that Obama will eventually address racism and bring Am erica to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Positive Relationships With Children Essay Example for Free
Positive Relationships With Children Essay Positive relationships with children and young people are important for the following reasons: When a child/young person feels comfortable and settled within their care setting they are more likely to engage and participate more with staff and other children within the group which creates a more relaxed atmosphere, it also makes the separation process easier for the parents/carers as well as the child /young person as it shows that the child/young person is emotionally secure, Building and maintaining positive relationships is also important as it contributes to the developmental needs of each individual child/young person personally, socially and emotionally which then enhances their language skills as they gain confidence talking to each other and staff. Positive relationships also enables us as practitioners to understand and respond to children/young people more effectively as we are able to recognise their emotions and expressions and also enables practitioners to plan more accurately as we know more of the interests and understand the developmental needs of the children/young people in our care. Making sure as a practitioner I keep to my word i.e. if a child/group have done a particular activity today, and I have told another group/child they may have a turn next session I must make sure that is what takes place as theses situations will affect the trust between myself and the children within the setting. Positive relationships are maintained by us practitioners, parents /carers being good role models, by showing courtesy and respect to each other at all times, remembering that we must show respect and courtesy to our younger as well as our elders, Always being fair and consistent, listening to what is being said without making judgement and making sure that any rules and boundaries set out are kept to and understanding when information is to be kept confidential, being able to identify and resolve disagreements /conflicts, help children and young people to understand the difference. Effective communication- the way in which we speak to an individual, according to age and developmental stage of the child/young person, beingà aware of body language/hand gestures and facial expressions. Ensuring that children and young people are aware and understand their views and opinions are valued and considered. It is important that people involved in the care of children and young people build and maintain positive relationships with each other, as this can also have an enormous impact the development and wellbeing of the children and young people within their care spectrum, having a positive relationship with the child/young persons parent/carer can have positive effect on the child/young person, as this is the first step in getting to know and understand the initial needs and preferences, likes and dislikes and fears or concerns of each individual, also by including parent/carers in various sessions giving them the opportunity to contribute and get involved in planning and implementing of various activities it encourages people to engage in conversation where different views, ideas, and skills are learned. Also shared whilst showing the children/young people how to live in diverse community where we are all individuals who are able to work together regardless of background or upbringing. positive relationships between the various professionals working with children/young people whether it be colleagues, external agency/organisation or service, is important as it has a direct impact on the child/young person ongoing development, being able to share information between adults involving children/young people in different situations engaging in various activities, means that planning for the children/young people can be done more effectively as each professional involved may see a different way of contributing towards the development /wellbeing of the child/young person, they may also have the opportunity to identify any needs and interests different to those already established, the welfare of children/young people can be properly monitored while being assured that each child/young person is being given consistent care, any concerns or issues can be shared accurately and promptly when required following correct procedures and guidelines.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Automatic Online Gas Booking and Detection System
Automatic Online Gas Booking and Detection System à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Abstract NOW a days, safety time are major issues .we deal with this issues in our project. We all know the gas booking is time consuming task and also there can be problem of gas leakage . Most of the accident occur because of gas leakage. In these project we can identify the gas leakage, controlling it and also without any human interface gas booking is done. By using this system the security services like police and fire brigade of a nearby region also be informed about the intrusion instantly and they can take required steps rapidly. And hence the system is safe cost effective. The aim of this project is to develop a system that will provide remote monitoring of sensors and also provide security against hazardous condition. This paper is mainly concerned with the automatic intimation of parameters or sensors condition to user via GSM. It is meant to save the electric power and human energy. This project is made with the help of the 89c51 microcontroller. The GSM modem is connected to th e microcontroller and the sensor is connected using wireless network. ****- INTRODUCTON Home security has changed a great deal over the last century and will continue to do so as long as technology continues to progress. In todays age of digital technology and intelligent systems, home automation has become one of the fastest developing application-based technologies in the world. Security systems are important features of a modern Home. In order to fullfil the security concerns of the house owners, efficient, reliable cost effective system has been designed. The research is aimed at developing the security of Home against LPG gas leakage or Fire. In your absence,if the above incident happen, the device send message corresponding number. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions. A WSN system incorporates a gateway that provides wireless connectivity back to the wired world and distributed nodes (see in fig). . Fig.Sensor Node The work deals with discussion about various brilliant home automation systems and technologies. In home automation the monitoring and control operations are assisting through smart devices installed in residential buildings. Home automation systems face some main challenges; these are high cost of ownership, inflexibility, difficulty in achieving security and poor manageability. The main intention of this research is to design and implement a home automation system using IoT that is able to controlling and automating most of the house appliances through an easy possible web interface. By using Wi-Fi technology to interconnect its distributed sensors to home automation server the Proposed system has a great flexibility. This will decrease the deployment cost and will increase the ability of upgrading, and system reconfiguration. LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 RELATED WORK Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) comprises both instrumentation as well as communication technologies and operates within Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band. the Wireless Sensor Networks collaboratively operate to collect and disseminate data with great security and reliability. Therefore, it plays vital role in measurement and control of environmental parameters of industrial and agriculture sectors as well. It deserves key role not only in biomedical field but also in military and security fields. The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) system consist of devices, which sense the signal, process and transmit the signal to base station. The base station plays the jobs of not only as data logger but also of data analysis and prediction. Each of these devices is known as sensor node [2], that comprises a sensor or array of sensors, Data Acquisition System (DAS), processor, RF module and power supply unit. Moreover, the smart moves are also associated with the Global Positioning Syste m (GPS) [2], to indicate their location in the monitored area. The movable robotic system can also provide with every smart move to vary its location and to collect data from different place. Wireless Sensor Network is the network of devices called as wireless sensor nodes, routed cooperatively to exchange information, through wireless link. The Wireless Sensor Networks consist three types of nodes as coordinator; which organize the network and helps to maintain routing tables. Routers; routers communicate with coordinator and other routers to reduce functions of end devices and provides path for end devices to communicate data to the base station or coordinator. End Device; End devices ensures the interfaces to the physical world. It senses the parameters for which it has been designed and communicates with coordinator through desired routing protocol and forward signal to the base station.The communication protocols are more complex and designed according to suitable criteria. Following are the characteristics of Wireless Sensor Network. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Low power consumption. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Ability to withstand in harsh environmental conditions. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Self configurability à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Self healing à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Scalability Availability of different OS can be configured in real time operating system. On literature survey, it is found that, the study of wireless sensor network is the field of interest and therefore, the researchers are undertaking the research work related to the Wireless Sensor Network(WSN). Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) [3] is fast growing field of electronics for research of applied nature. The Santosh Kumar et al developed sensor network for dying industry monitoring and control system, which is wired about PIC 16F877 and deployed to monitor various parameters[4]. The recent release of standards in the field such as IEEE 802.15.4 and Digi brought the technology out of research labs and empowered to deploy for real world applications [2]. Corke et al have developed an electronic system for applications like cattle monitoring, ground water monitoring, rainforest monitoring [5]. Chiara buratti, worked on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology and its evolution [6]. In order to monitor the concentration of hydrocarbons particularly, in chemical industries a Wire less Sensor Network (WSN) based system is developed by Kane et al [7] and interpreted the results, which could support the optimization of production. Zigbee based mine safety monitoring system is developed by Rajkumar Boodu [8]. This paper presents the designing of Wireless Sensor Node designed to detect and monitor the leakage of the industrial gases. For this purpose the system is wired about PIC 18F4550 microcontroller, which has promising salient features. After comparison of various RF modules, the Zigbee module is selected and employed to transreceive the data. Zigbee technology is new technology in RF communication, which work with low power and in free Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band. The main applications of a LPG Gas Leakage Detector would be : à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · To protect ourselves from any gas leakage in cars, industries, homes, hospitals etc. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · To safeguard ourselves from gas leakage in heating gas fired appliances like boilers, domestic water heaters. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · To be used in large industries which use gas as their production. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · To provide safety from gas leakage in cooking gas fired appliances like ovens, stoves etc. 3.PROPOSED SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: GSM MODULE: GSM module is used to send a message .The name of GSM module SIM_300 with RS232.Buzzer, power supply and audio interface are used. This can be connected to PC by using a USB to Serial Adaptor. Real terms are used to send receive data. The interface between microcontroller and GSM module can also be done directly with the help of wires. POWER SUPPLY: With the help of step down transformer of 230V AC primary to 0-12V, 500mA secondary power supply is taken from main supply. Full-wave rectifier and a capacitor filter provide the output voltage and then fed to 5-volt regulator (LM7805) whose output is used as power supply for ICs and microcontroller. LPC2148: The LPC2141/2/4/6/8 microcontrollers are based on a 32/16 bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with real-time emulation and embedded trace support, that combines the microcontroller with embedded high speed flash memory ranging from 32 kB to 512 kB. A 128-bit wide memory interface and a unique accelerator architecture enable 32-bit code execution at the maximum clock rate. For critical code size applications, the alternative 16-bit Thumb mode reduces code by more than 30 % with minimal performance penalty. Due to their tiny size and low power consumption, LPC2141/2/4/6/8 are ideal for applications where miniaturization is a key requirement, such as access control and point-of-sale. A blend of serial communications interfaces ranging from a USB 2.0 Full Speed device, multiple UARTs, SPI, SSP to I2Cs, and on-chip SRAM of 8 kB up to 40 kB, make these devices very well suited for communication gateways and protocol converters, soft modems, voice recognition and low end imaging, providing both large buffer size and high processing power. Various 32-bit timers, single or dual 10-bit ADC(s),10-bit DAC, PWM channels and 45 fast GPIO lines with up to nine edge or level sensitive external interrupt pins make these microcontrollers particularly suitable for industrial control and medical systems. RESULT: The system detects the LPG gas concentration in the air if it exceeds a safety level and then responds by using GSM to send an SMS to the consumer. The LED and Buzzer are activated to alert the consumer in case of gas leakage and the system displays the message on LCD Conclusion: LPG Gas Leakage is a major problem in many industries and households.Hence our Project will definitely prove to be for households and industries in preventing future gas leakages. This research work has many advantages which are as follows: à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · The Research Work is easy to use and it gives remote indication to the user. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · The Sensor used in this Research Work has excellent sensitivity combined with a quick fast response time. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · The system is highly reliable, tamper-proof and secure. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · In the long run the maintenance cost is very less when compared to the present systems. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · It is possible to get instantaneous results and with high accuracy. This home security feature is expected to draw much attention in the next decades. People are getting more and more concerned about how to protect themselves and their houses in case of emergencies. These emergencies include not only LPG gas leakage, but also fire attack. This device provides a means for being able to securely monitor a house with the help of sensors integrated with a micro-controller and a GSM unit. SMS provides an economical and convenient way to alert users of a possible fire accident. The use of mobile handsets as a client device to receive warning messages implies that the user need not have to carry an additional piece of equipment as most people already have a mobile phone with them most of the time. REFERENCES [1] Analog and digital circuits for electronic control systems applications by jerry luecke ELSEVIER publications 2005 ISBN 0-7506-7810-0. [2] Advanced microelectronics Microcontrollers in PracticeBy I. Susnea and M. Mitescu Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN-10 3-540-25301-7. [3] Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C by s Dogan Ibrahim ELSEVIER publications 2005 ISBN-13: 978-0-7506-8611-2. [4] PIC Microcontrollers An Introduction to Microelectronics by Martin Bates -Second Edition- sELSEVIER publications 2004 ISBN 0 7506 6267 0 . PUBLICATIONS 1.Ms.Pawar Pallavi Tatyasaheb,Student IV SEM, M.E, VLSI AND EMBEDDED SYSTEM, SCOE, Pune, India Mr. B.E. Shinde,Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and telecommunication, SCOE, Pune, India SMART HOME APPLIENCES USING IOT Vol-2 Issue-1 2016. SCOE, Sudumbare, M.E (VLSI Embedded Systems)(2015-20
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Theodore Roosevelt: A Pioneer for the Environment Essay example -- Gre
I have always been fond of the West African proverb: ââ¬Å"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.â⬠Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt, the first Cowboy environmentalist. A man who would inspire generations of outdoorsmen to protect their local and national wilderness for their own children, so that they might one day hunt, fish, and hike those the same hillsides. Roosevelt was born in 1858 into a wealthy family with good connections in New York City. Since Theodore was a sickly kid, he spent a great part of his childhood on his own, collecting small wildlife specimens. He was motivated by a love of the outdoors, spending long hours observing and cataloging local insects and birds. He often described himself as lacking in education compared to other children, due to the fact that he spent so much time out of school. Yet at age nine he wrote an essay titled, ââ¬Å"The Natural History of Insects.â⬠He became a master at observation, a skilled hunter, and was clearly inspired by the amazing gifts of his outdoor world. Theodore overcame his childhood health issues, and was even a top boxer at Harvard. He graduated in 1880 and headed towards law school at Columbia - for a couple of terms. But the political life was calling to him, and he ditched Columbia to become a New York State assemblyman. One of the key lessons of Roosevelt took from his college years was that while a man must take individual responsibility for leading a good life and building his own future, all humans must have a collective responsibility for each other. Otherwise our society would risk disintegrating into ââ¬Å"a riot of lawless business individualism which would be quite as destructive to real civilization as the lawless military individual... ...e have the knowledge that so many people who came before us lackedâ⬠¦ now we must muster the courage to use it. Itââ¬â¢s time. Works Cited Donahue, Bill. ââ¬Å"Beauty and the Badlands.â⬠Sierra Mar. 2002: 34-43. Environment Complete. Web. 27 Oct. 2009. Dustin, Daniel L., and Ingrid E. Schneider. ââ¬Å"Collaborative Conflict Resolution at Devils Tower National Monument.â⬠P & R July 2001: 80-85. Environment Complete. Web. 27 Oct. 2009. Jensen, Mari N. ââ¬Å"Coming of Age at 100: Renewing the National Wildlife Refuge System.â⬠BioScience 53.4 (2003): 321-27. Environment Complete. Web. 27 Oct. 2009. Lewis, James G. ââ¬Å"Roosevelt, Theodore.â⬠Encyclopedia of World Environmental History. Environment Complete. Web. 27 Oct. 2009. Meine, Curt. ââ¬Å"Roosevelt, Conservation, and the Revival of Democracy.â⬠Conservation Biology 4 Aug. 2001: 829-31. Environment Complete. Web. 27 Oct. 2009.
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